PQFORCE at PM Welt 2024 | 18 April 2024

Connect with PQFORCE at PM Welt 2024 in München, Germany.

Date: 18 April 2024 
Location: Smartvillage, Rosenkavalierpl. 13, München, Germany 

About this event

PM Welt is an immersive day for project managers organised by projektmagazin, fostering encounters within the community. Curated with top minds in project management, PM Welt experts will enrich your knowledge and experience in project management. 

Where to find us

Be sure to stop by room ‘Amsterdam’ to connect with PQFORCE’s team, and discover how we can assist you in all your project management needs. 

What to expect

PM Welt is designed for everybody, offering diverse insights from selected speakers, trainers, and professionals in project management. With 7 thematic tracks, tailored experiences cover AI, digital transformation, workshops, or practical work. Connect with experts and peers to expand your network, and don't miss exclusive pre-event seminars. 

Be sure not to miss this opportunity to connect and learn. Take advantage of this congress and acquire plenty of insights for your personal and professional growth. 

PQFORCE will be waiting for you at room ‘Amsterdam’, make sure you come over for a chat with us. 

Circa l'autore

Amministratore delegato INTRASOFT AG

Daniel Hösli è Managing Director e Lead Consultant di INTRASOFT AG, la cui soluzione SaaS PQFORCE è la piattaforma leader per la gestione aziendale agile e orientata ai progetti. Per 15 anni è stato coinvolto quotidianamente nello sviluppo di sistemi di gestione dei progetti in qualità di consulente e gestore di progetti - sia dal punto di vista organizzativo che tecnico - e quindi ha l'esperienza acquisita da innumerevoli contatti e compiti da una grande varietà di aziende e diversi livelli di gestione.

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