Project-oriented leadership, optimal utilisation of resources
Find your way out of Excel hell. Get transparency and the power to act in order to plan in an agile way and to keep your company on track in our dynamic world - at all times.
Finally link projects and resources in real time
With PQFORCE you create the link between the project world and line management. Close the gap to get a company-wide consistent picture.
Everything in one place, and all in real time
Projects are the key to your success
Projects are the basis for resource planning. Align your business with PQFORCE in an agile and project-oriented way. And use your resources optimally. Learn more here.
Don't waste your time searching for data
Project management with Excel files is slow, expensive and risky. So it's better to work on the same data basis across the company. Learn more here.
What is your role?
Consistent data across all levels
From project portfolio overviews to project management to the daily processing of tasks: PQFORCE covers all levels and lets data flow seamlessly and without media breaks. Learn more.
The Swiss cloud solution
Subscribe and get started. Without installation and interfaces to third-party systems. And if you still want it that way: Of course you can also install PQFORCE on-premises, run it yourself and integrate third-party systems. Learn more.
Trusted by a large number of Swiss multinationals and service providers
We keep developing our software for and together with our customers. This ensures that we can keep our promise:
100% Swiss-made Software-as-a-Service, developped with best practice in mind - in all respects