Project-oriented leadership, optimal utilisation of resources

Find your way out of Excel hell. Get transparency and the power to act in order to plan in an agile way and to keep your company on track in our dynamic world - at all times.

Finally link projects and resources in real time

With PQFORCE you create the link between the project world and line management. Close the gap to get a company-wide consistent picture.

See resources from within the project

Allocate the resources to the scheduled tasks right away.

Plan projects classically, agilely or hybrid

PQFORCE gives your project managers all the possibilities: Classic with Gantt plan but also agile with Kanban boards. Every project has the freedom of choice.

Management-oriented portfolio overview at the push of a button

Compile the desired project portfolios as you wish with PQFORCE. You then receive the essential portfolio data automatically and condensed in real time.

Everything in one place, and all in real time

Projects are the key to your success

Projects are the basis for resource planning. Align your business with PQFORCE in an agile and project-oriented way. And use your resources optimally. Learn more here.

Don't waste your time searching for data

Project management with Excel files is slow, expensive and risky. So it's better to work on the same data basis across the company. Learn more here.

What is your role?



Managing Director

George wants to execute projects more efficiently, resulting in higher revenues while lowering costs across the portfolio.

Learn more ►


Head of Department

Ann would like to optimise the project workload of her business unit and thus achieve an even workload for her employees.

Learn more ►


Project Manager

Bob wants to improve the reliability and transparency of his project plans and thus gain greater planning acceptance.

Learn more ►
  • quote symbol Georg Fischer Piping Systems
    Georg Fischer Piping Systems
    Our employees often work on several projects. Thanks to PQFORCE, we are always able to maintain an overview and counteract resource conflicts at an early stage. Instead of filling out a multitude of independent Excel lists, we now maintain resources and absences in PQFORCE without additional effort. We use the resulting transparency for optimized planning.
    - Frank Straub | Head of Global Project Management
  • quote symbol Cantonal Hospital Baden AG
    Cantonal Hospital Baden AG
    With PQFORCE, we have found a tool that optimally serves the various requirements of project and portfolio management. After a very short training period, the employees are able to independently plan their projects and to-dos, manage the risks and control the costs. Also, the dependencies between different projects can now be displayed in a simple way.
    - Benedikt Niederer | Head of Corporate Development
  • quote symbol ANDRITZ Soutec AG
    ANDRITZ Soutec AG
    We no longer have to manually transfer resource absences to our various schedules. Thanks to PQFORCE, everything is automatically available and we have eliminated redundant data maintenance.
    - Mathias Binder | Head of Engineering & Product Management
  • quote symbol IWB (Industrielle Werke Basel)
    IWB (Industrielle Werke Basel)
    PQFORCE has been instrumental in helping us to think, understand and act across the company in project, project portfolio and resource management. We were able to take ourselves to the next level according to the CMMI Maturity Model.
    - | Person responsible for project management
  • quote symbol Inficon AG
    Inficon AG
    With PQFORCE, we have found a clear, powerful and yet easy-to-use tool with which we can handle our multi-project landscape including resource management well. A very short training period due to intuitive operation, good overview functions and a high flexibility of the program when entering task times were decisive criteria here.
    - Rolf Enderes | Director Development and Software
  • quote symbol Thurgau Cantonal Bank (TKB)
    Thurgau Cantonal Bank (TKB)
    PQFORCE helps us to maintain an overview of the large number of projects in the bank. The financial, personnel and time management of these projects with one tool creates efficiency and frees up resources.
    - Fabian Schönenberger | Head of Corporate Development
  • quote symbol Rhaetian Railway
    Rhaetian Railway
    We have been using PQFORCE for several years and we are able to identify resource conflicts in many parallel projects at an early stage. We have gained transparency about the workload of the employees in the team.
    - René Keller | Head of Projects, Engineering Rolling Stock
  • quote symbol Hatebur Umformmaschinen AG
    Hatebur Umformmaschinen AG
    PQFORCE helps us to transparently plan projects with overlapping resource allocation. We are also able to derive scenarios without losing sight of resource utilization. Thanks to this adaptable solution and competent consulting, we were able to implement a system that is well adapted to our needs in a short time.
    - Stephan Leibundgut | Electrical Engineer & Project Manager
  • quote symbol LCA Automation AG
    LCA Automation AG
    Since we introduced PQFORCE, all project managers are able to monitor deadlines and costs in one tool and react to deviations through forecasts. All team members are up to date, resource bottlenecks are detected early and projects can be mapped, compared and optimized in different scenarios. The management receives an efficient overall view through reporting, including graphics.
    - Ueli Imhof | Chief Operating Officer

    Consistent data across all levels

    From project portfolio overviews to project management to the daily processing of tasks: PQFORCE covers all levels and lets data flow seamlessly and without media breaks. Learn more.

    The Swiss cloud solution

    Subscribe and get started. Without installation and interfaces to third-party systems. And if you still want it that way: Of course you can also install PQFORCE on-premises, run it yourself and integrate third-party systems. Learn more.

    Trusted by a large number of Swiss multinationals and service providers

    We keep developing our software for and together with our customers. This ensures that we can keep our promise:

    100% Swiss-made Software-as-a-Service, developped with best practice in mind - in all respects

    • Abraxas Informatik AG
    • AEW Energie AG
    • ALTEN Switzerland
    • ANDRITZ Soutec AC
    • Georg Fischer Piping Systems AG
    • Geistlich Pharma AG
    • Haag-Streit AG
    • Inficon AG
    • Kantonspolizei Zürich
    • Kantonsspital Baden
    • Kummler+Matter AG
    • LCA Automation AG
    • Schweizerische Parlamentsdienste
    • Schweizerische Post
    • Rhätische Bahn AG
    • Schulthess Maschinen AG
    • Stadtspital Waid und Triemli Zürich
    • Sulzer Chemtech AG
    • Thurgauer Kantonalbank

    Bring transparency and consistency to your project business. Get started today.

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